Groundwork Partnership Means Supporting More Local Jobs
Date posted 15-11-2023
The Importance of Stress Awareness
Did you know, that stress is the most common cause of sickness in the UK, with 79% saying they frequently felt it and 13.7 million working days lost each year because of work-related stress, anxiety and depression.
Within the construction industry, stress, depression or anxiety accounts for 27% of all work related illness in construction.
At MadiganGill we wanted to do something to help our colleagues…
On Tuesday 28th November 2023, MadiganGIll Security will be hosting a mental health awareness talk for our frontline security teams where ‘lonely working’ will be discussed. This will be presented by Sarah Stannard, Certified Corporate Health Coach and facilitated by Tim Bonfield, Security Operations Manager.
MadiganGill remain committed to promoting mental wellbeing amongst our colleagues, and we are particularly mindful of our Security Officers who often work in isolation and unsociable hours. We value the incredible job they do for us and our clients and feel it’s vital that we support them wherever we can.
Additionally, MadiganGill Logistics we will also be kickstarting The #MakeItVisable tour in collaboration with The Lighthouse Club Charity, who’s goal is to make welfare and wellbeing support in construction visible... in sight... on every site! We are proud to support the great work Lighthouse Charity do as they play a pivotal role in dispelling the stigma of mental health. This campaign is being gradually rolled out across our MadiganGill Logistics projects over the coming months and we hope this will help make a positive contribution to this most cause.
Finally, we continue to maintain an ongoing programme to educate and train colleagues in assisting and handling mental health issues which ensures we can all help look after each other and enhance stress management.
If you feel you would benefit from support at this time here are some very useful numbers:
ADVISE: NHS - dial 111 or visit:
SAMARITANS: dial 116 123, or visit: